Thank You, 2021!
To our wonderful sponsors and supporters,
We did it! We relaunched Christmas is for Children to celebrate 30 years of serving children in need. We are so pleased to report that we nearly doubled our original goal of helping 500 children this year and we couldn’t have done it without the help of our many sponsors and volunteers.
The bustling sounds of Christmas is for Children were all around in December - the sound of gifts being wrapped and bags being loaded into cars and trucks, the sound of happy sponsors and the messages of thanks from agency coordinators as gift bags were delivered to our 18 agency partners.
Here is what we heard from some of you:
"It made me feel warm inside knowing that I could help someone who normally wouldn't be able to get gifts for the holidays. “ from a student sponsor at a local elementary school
"We could do more next year” - from a giving tree coordinator at gift drop off
“My clients love doing this - be in touch for next year” from a salon owner who organized sponsorship for nearly 100 children
“This is the best part of the holidays” - from many of our individual sponsors
Together with your support in organizing our giving trees, shopping for gifts and donating funds to support our work, we were able to serve 940 children this year - and donated nearly 2000 pounds of food to the Food Bank - just amazing. We imagine the joyful sounds as the children receive their gifts and celebrate the holidays and we celebrate each of you for your generous spirit of giving. As one agency director said, "You made Christmas possible for so many families. Your thoughtfulness will never be forgotten."
We will be back in touch in September to start again. Happy New Year to all -
“May the spirit of the holidays live with you throughout the year" - Anonymous